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Extended producer responsibility for electronics and batteries


Handle your extended producer responsibility for electronics and batteries inside Business Central!


The Extended Producer Responsibility for Electronics & Batteries app is an extension for Microsoft Business Central (formerly known as Navision) that streamlines the registration of data directly on item cards. Its user-friendly interface makes it simple for businesses to collect and manage the required electronics and battery information efficiently, as well as export your data in a format that makes it easy to report your data.

Improve efficiency and meet your producer responsibility obligations without hassle. Contact us for a free 30-day trial and let us help you take the next step toward optimized data registration and reporting.

WEEE Frontpage

Setting up values

Get started

With Navtilus Extended Producer Responsibility, you get a user-friendly plug-and-play solution that makes it easy to get started. This extension for Business Central includes standard settings and values, ensuring a simple and ready-to-use setup.

For businesses with specific needs, the solution also offers full flexibility through its dedicated module. Users can customize values and settings to match their company’s unique requirements and processes.

Registration of WEEE & Battery Information

Enter Details Directly on the Item Card

Our solution is built directly on the standard functionality of Business Central and integrates a new tab into your item cards. This makes it easy and straightforward to register relevant data when creating or editing an item.

This new tab allows you to select and apply your configured WEEE and battery categories, as well as the corresponding battery type, directly on the item card. This way, it becomes a seamless part of your workflow without the need to switch between systems, ensuring quick and efficient management of producer responsibility for electronics and batteries.

WEEE Item card
Udvidet ProducentAnsvar skærmbillede 3

Lists and Reporting

Extract Data Directly from Business Central

Once your WEEE and battery data are entered on the item card, they are automatically recorded each time you sell a unit of the item. This means the system continuously collects the necessary data without disrupting your daily use of Business Central.

When you need to process or report this data, you can easily export it directly to an Excel document from Business Central. This provides a clear overview of the collected data, making it simple to work with an analytic tool or to report to your local government.

Key Features:


Registration of Electronics Data for Items: Easy entry of WEEE and battery information for each item, including electronics category, battery categories, and battery type.

Integration with Business Central: The extension builds on your standard Business Central, allowing you to register electronics information directly in the system without the need for additional tools.

Master Data: Utilizes your company’s existing item catalog in Business Central as master data, making it quick and easy to register WEEE and battery information for your items.

Data Extraction: Quick export of data to Excel, enabling further analysis and reporting in tools like Power BI.

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How do you use the extension?
As a guide for this extension, we recommend using our online and user-friendly guide. While it is currently available only in Danish, it is the one being regularly updated with the latest information regarding the app.
How do I get the application?

The extension is available on AppSource, allowing businesses using Business Central in the cloud to easily and quickly download and start using it right away by clicking here here.

If your business is using an On-Premises solution, feel free to contact us, and we will gladly assist you with installing the extension through an alternative method.

Issues buying the application and assigning permissions?
If you encounter general challenges with purchasing through Microsoft AppSource, we’ve created a short guide featuring five step-by-step tutorials (along with five brief videos). These guides show you how to purchase the app and assign licenses to it within Microsoft 365 Administration. The final guide explains how to locate and download your invoices as PDFs directly from Microsoft 365 Administration.
What does it consist of?
The extension for extended producer responsibility for electronics and batteries in Business Central consists of several intuitive pages that make it easy for you to enter and manage your WEEE and battery data. With this solution, you gain full control over categorization and registration directly in Business Central:

  • Control Panel/Module: : Here, you can quickly get an overview of your electronics and battery data, as well as set up your standard values, such as battery categories, WEEE categories, and battery types.
  • WEEE and Battery Categories in Lists: Lists where you can define the categories for electrical products and batteries, as well as the appropriate battery type for your product range.
  • New Tab on Item Card: A new feature on your item cards that links WEEE and battery categories to items in your catalog, ensuring precise and quick registration.
  • Reporting and Data Extraction: Easily export your data from Business Central to Excel, giving you full insight into the registered data and allowing for preparation of reports or further analysis.

With this extension, you can easily manage your producer responsibility data without the need for external systems, all directly from your Business Central solution.

Questions and improvements for the app

If you believe the app is missing features that could be relevant for your business or if you encounter any issues, feel free to contact us at We will do our best to respond quickly and assist you.


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Interested in learning more?
Feel free to contact us for a free conversation with one of our experienced consultants, who will be happy to answer all your questions.